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ASCO公布2013年度临床肿瘤学进展 “2013年…
首页 - About us - SSTECSibiono Science and Technology Experts Committee (SSTEC) is major administrative measure for the strengthening of S&T basis and the maintainance of an expert panel within the company. It is under the guidance of the Board of Directors for suggesting and guiding investment analysis, medium to long term development planning, new drug development possibility, pathways and their execution, including daily R&D routine.
Members Sibiono Science and Technology Experts Committee (SSTEC)
Yan Sun:
Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering (Acad memb), and Chinese Academy of Medical Science-Peking Union Medical College & 'National Anti-tumor Drug GCP Center', member of 'Cancer Expert Advisory Board' of WHO, deputy president of 'Asia Clinical Oncology Society'(ACOS).
ZuZe Wu (Acad memb):
He is a pioneer in stem cell, hematology, gene therapy in China. Developer of several new gene therapy drugs for tumor and cardiovascular diseases, and are in the process of different clinical trials. Past president of the Academy of Military Sciences.
Yi Xin (Acad memb):
He engages in the study of pathogenesis and gene therapy of tumor. The president of the Sun Yat–Sen Univ. Cancer Center, director of Cancer Prevention Center, head of Tumor Research Institute and chief of Committee Member of Sibiono ‘S&T Expert Panel’
YuQuan Wei (Acad memb):
He focuses on the pathogenesis and gene therapy. Prof Wei is the vice-president of Sichuan Univ., head of National Key Lab of Biotherapy for Cancer, vice-chairman of the Chinese Medical Assoc.
Wenlin Huang (professor):
He is a prominent virologist. He leads the tumor gene therapy ‘recombinant human endostatin adenovirus injection’ which has entered Phase II clinical trial. Now he is Chief of biotherapy at the Sun Yat-sen Univ. Tumor Hospital and assoc. editor of the journal’Cancer’.
Gui Gao (MD, professor; MS, biosestatistics):
He earned his MS degree (1998) in clinical biosestatistics at the University of S. Florida, College of Public Health. He accumulated his expertise from Moffitt Cancer Research Center (biosestatistics), Axiom Worldwide, Biosestat International, Research Pharmaceutical Services in areas of clinical pharmacology R&D, FDA drug registration and related biosestatistics work.
WeiWei Zhang (MD; PhD in molecular biology, Alabama):
He was instrumental in the introduction of first generation adenovirus gene therapy drug: ‘Ad5-p53’ and was the principal founder of Sibiono.
S Y Zhang (PhD, Surry):
He was trained in cell engineering and has been working with viral vector delivery of gene, viral vector vaccine and gene-modified cell vectorfor nearly 2 decades.He is a well-known GMP designer.
Diosesdado S. Bautista:
Diosesdado S. Bautista (MD,McMaster,1990) Director, CEO & co-founder of Modecs Genetics, past vice-president R&D of Norgen Biotek Corp(1999-2005).
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