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浏览次数 :1343 –时间:2012-03-30

进军国际市场、积极开展国际合作,是作为全球领先基因治疗企业伟德国际victor1946近年来实施国际化战略的重要内容。伟德国际victor1946自2008年正式进军国际市场 ,一步一个脚印 ,国际市场的拓展取得了可喜成绩。

Enter the international market and extend our world collaboration is a major theme in our globalization for our gene therapy drive. Sibiono has officially entered the global market since 2008. The footsteps are small but impressive on the market share return. 

 2008年,伟德国际victor1946与印度及巴基斯坦等十余个穆斯林国家进行重组人p53腺病毒注射液的药品注册和临床研究工作,签订合作协议,申报新药临床试验 ,共同开发基因治疗市场。

2009年6月,伟德国际victor1946与加拿大北美基因诊断与治疗有限公司签署合作协议,携手拓展菲律宾及部分东南亚市场。 2009年9月,伟德国际victor1946与日本某协会合作 ,为日本肿瘤患者提供“今又生”基因治疗服务。 2010年1月,伟德国际victor1946与台湾知名医药企业正式签订合作协议,成功开辟台湾肿瘤治疗市场,并与享有“台湾癌症之母”声誉的彭汪嘉康院士强强联合,共同开展海峡两岸肿瘤基因治疗。 

 2010年3月 ,伟德国际victor1946与巴西签署合作协议,携手申报“今又生”在巴西的注册批件,并共同开发南美基因治疗市场。 


 2011年3月,伟德国际victor1946与马来西亚合作伙伴签署协议,共同拓展马来西亚、新加坡基因治疗市场 。11月27日 ,伟德国际victor1946在吉隆坡成功举行了一届主旨为基因治疗的国际研讨会,并与马来西亚投资方合作,就“今又生”在马来西亚的代理销售正式举行签约仪式。

 2011年12月,伟德国际victor1946与美国合作伙伴签署协议,携手开辟美国基因治疗市场 。 2010年3月 、2011年3-12月 ,伟德国际victor1946分别在中国深圳、阿联酋迪拜 、菲律宾马尼拉、中国香港和马来西亚吉隆坡举办了5次国际肿瘤基因治疗临床应用研讨会会,来自瑞士 、德国、加拿大、日本 、菲律宾 、马来西亚、印度尼西亚 、新加坡等国家以及中国大陆、香港和台湾的肿瘤治疗专家及基因药物研究专家近千人次共赴盛会。

2008 Sibiono signed collaboration agreement with India, Pakistan and more than 10 other Muslim countries for clinical research, drug registration and marketing on ‘rAd-p53, Inj’.2009.6 Sibiono and Canadian N. America Gene Diagnostics & Therapy Co., Ltd. signed an agreement on the joint effort in opening up the Philippino and SE Asian market.2009.9 Sibiono collaborated with a Japanese organization on providing Gendicine® gene therapy tor cancer patients in Japan.

2010.1 Successfully open up the Taiwan cancer treatment market in collaboration with a prominent Taiwan Enterprise . Built up a cross-strait tumor gene therapy with the strong collaboration of Dr WJ Huang, (a member of Chinese Academy of Science, Taiwan, she is also honored as 'mother of Taiwan Cancer Specialty.’

 2010.2 Signed an agreement with Rothschild Group on gene therapy market development in Europe.

2010.3 Signed collaborative agreement with the Philippines on gene therapy for local use and further development.

2010.3 Signed collaborative agreement with Brazil on the joint effect in applying registration and setting up South America gene therapy market.

2011.3 Signed an agreement with the Malaysia collaboration partner for the development of Singapore-Malaysia gene therapy market.

2011.11.27 Successfully sponsored an international symposium on gene therapy at Kuala Lumpur. The Malaysia partner invested and agreed as a Gendicine® representative there.

2011.12 Signed a partnership agreement with an America partner for the market development in gene therapy in the USA.

2010.3 & 2011.3-12 Sibiono held gene therapy clinical application symposia in Shenzhen, Dubai-United Arab Emirates, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur. The participants were experts in oncologists and gene therapy drugs totaling near 1000 coming from Switzerland, Germany, Canada, Japan, and S E Asian countries.




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邮箱 :sbn@hrtoil.com
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